Thursday, August 7, 2008

4 words

So there i was. Mildly annoyed that i had gone out to do errands and had come back to a house that was still in the same state of disarray. Annoyed because i had hoped that one of the four humans in the house, who were still in the house, would pick up a bit while i was gone. No such luck. Being full steam ahead in my own funk, i get a phone call from a friend. Funny because she's one of my precise, ordered friends. Very little disarray in her house.

Silently thinking about that irony, she interrupts my thoughts to ask if i can watch one of her kids while she goes to a doctor's appointment. "No problem," i reply.

Before i could say anything else, she says flatly, "the cancer is back." Four words had superhuman strength to stop me in my tracks and instantly with blinding speed, change my thought pattern. As those four words had been told to her and had stopped her in her tracks, they had stopped mine as well.

Since she told me several days ago, needless to say, i am not concerned about my messy house. Not even on my radar. In the big picture, you love your kids, love the significant others/family in your life and you leave a legacy. My friend and I have been talking about the legacy she will be leaving behind for her family. She has already written her eulogy. Made me think i should write mine. It definitely won't include the finer points of an always clean house.

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